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Waltham Cross, Hertfordshire, United Kingdom
Hiya! I'm Sophie, an A Level Media student who has high hopes for the future! Oh, and i'm a tiny bit accident prone...

Tuesday 29 March 2011

Drawn designs for Front Pages

As well as thinking of how the possible layouts could look, by actually drawing them this allowed me to see how they would fit onto a page and in which spaces different elements could be placed. I was able to gain a better understanding of how the designs would lay on the page, and also this enabled me to ask the audience of the images which was their favourite.

After looking at various existing music magazines i realised having a masthead at the top of the page was vital in order to stick with conventions and be easily recognisable as well as being easy to read when on a shelf in a shop. I decided to stick with this theme for all of my front cover designs. As well as this i've used a pug to highlight a free cd available for the readers (who are therefore getting more for their money), a large main image of a medium shot of an artist, various storylines and accompanying images, a barcode and a banner running along the bottom to highlight the popularity of the magazine (creating the readers to feel as though it's a necessity - linked to Maslow's hierachy of needs)

Here i decided to keep things more simple, keeping all of the text on the left hand side of the main image which is a longshot (breaking typical conventions of a front cover). Below this is a banner of band dates, showing which bands will be included within the magazine, as well as lots of room for articles. This simplistic approach may not gain the readers attention as much as intended due to lacking eye contact with the model's image due to her being so far away in the photo.

Here the masthead takes a similar style to those used within NME and Q magazine, having a border and being situated in the top left hand corner. Whilst next to this a barcode is placed. The main image is a close-up of the main artist interview in the magazine, whilst a list of articles run over this. This could be a problem due to covering some of the image photography.

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