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Waltham Cross, Hertfordshire, United Kingdom
Hiya! I'm Sophie, an A Level Media student who has high hopes for the future! Oh, and i'm a tiny bit accident prone...

Monday 7 March 2011

Maslow's hierachy of needs

Maslow's hierachy of needs is a theory founded in psychology, firstly proposed by Abraham Maslow. His theories link to the idea of human development and stages of growth whilst this particular theory is said to describe what people wish from their job.
At the base of the diagram, the basic aspects a human needs to survive are shown, before working upward towards the luxuries in life which are not necessities yet people enjoy having them.
This theory can be applied to the institution of media, especially in marketing. Throughout marketing, this theory shows that industries have spent time looking into the historical definitions of how people rank in "needing" things. Magazine's would be placed near the top of the pyramid, being a luxury which isn't necessarily vital to living, yet causes a lot of enjoyment for a person who acquires one.  My product would run parallel to this idea, being a luxury and not an essential, therefore i need to make sure it is of the highest quality to keep my target audience willing to purchase it.

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