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Waltham Cross, Hertfordshire, United Kingdom
Hiya! I'm Sophie, an A Level Media student who has high hopes for the future! Oh, and i'm a tiny bit accident prone...

Saturday 19 March 2011

Initial Name Ideas

To begin with, i brainstormed as many names as possible which could be used for a music title in order to gain the largest amount of ideas to work with. From this i felt as though 5 stuck out the most, and therefore i will ask which names my target audience prefer in order to gain an idea of which would be the most effective and appealing.

This is a term immediately linked with indie music, due to bands frequently playing live gigs and needing to take a soundcheck before performing. Many of those reading the magazine will be already familiar with going to gigs, and will therefore feel as this title is targeted specifically towards them and their experiences. This name is also bold and easily remembered, sounding professional and giving a mature sound to the product. When a soundcheck is given, this is usually quite an intimate moment allowing the band to be seen warming up, and gives a real insight on what the members are like. This would suggest that the magazine will be an insiders view on new and upcoming music acts which many others wouldn't usually get to experience.

This is an element present in most types of music, and is the backbone to all music tracks suggesting that this magazine is an essential and cannot be lived without. The bassline of a track is also hugely significant, creating vibrations when played at a gig and creates a real atmosphere. This could reflect how this magazine would create a huge effect on the audience and reach out to every single person no matter what they're interested in if they buy the magazine. Bassline is also a strong sounding title, reflecting the strong genre of indie/rock music and how it's message is powerful to the audience, similar to the style of music.

This is an unusual title, and links to the music scene in a less obvious way. Of course all photo shoots with bands, and stages when performing need lighting and this is an essential piece of equipment reflecting how this magazine would be an essential item to own (linking to maslows hierachy of needs theory). The use of the word "lights" also reflect a bright item which makes things look better, essentially suggesting that by someone reading this magazine, it would make them more attractive to others in the same target audience.

This is a clever name as amps are needed to be able to play instruments to crowds, and run parallel to the idea that a music magazine is needed in everyday life. The word amplified immediately makes me think of loud music at a rock show with the atmosphere being electric making me feel as though the magazine would have a brilliant style and atmosphere to it due to having such a powerful name, being bigger and better than other competing magazines. By amplified showing a large size, this could also link to the fact it will include bands that are of small status, trying to make it big, allowing readers to be the first ones to find out about them and get an insiders view.

This was the final idea to stand out to me due again the instant link with the music scene, portraying how just like bands are placed above the crowd, this magazine would be placed higher than all other competitor magazines. A stage suggests a place where "the magic of the music world" happens, and is a place for expression and entertainment which would reflect exactly what the product would show. This name is also very unlike any of other music magazines in the media right now and would stand out for being interesting and original.

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