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Waltham Cross, Hertfordshire, United Kingdom
Hiya! I'm Sophie, an A Level Media student who has high hopes for the future! Oh, and i'm a tiny bit accident prone...

Monday 21 March 2011

Initial Storyline

Similar to the story-lines within the magazines i previously analysed, i want my own to be a strong feature which people are instantly interested in and want to read for themselves. I decided to choose a wide variety of styles of story-line in order to fit to both the typical conventions of an alternative magazine (having an edgy and rebellious story) as well as breaking the mould (using a more subtle and original idea in order to cause contrast and interest).

Main story-line idea 1:

New kids on the block - A new band, risen from a rough area straight into the limelight

This would be a first-glance look into the lives of band members who's lives are about to be turned upside down due to gaining fame within the music industry after coming from a simple background with no financial stability whatsoever.
By giving this style of story, it immediately links to what the music scene is all about - working hard to achieve success. This gives both a first glance, almost like a preview of what is yet to come with the band, being new and up-to-date with the current media, and would made the audience feel special due to gaining an insiders view. As well as this, readers would be able to sympathise and feel connected with the band due to them being very similar to the target audience themselves, in many aspects such as age, interests and music tastes. Showing how they had transformed from a normal background and achieved fame would motivate readers and allow them to be inspired.

Main story-line idea 2:

Indie Electro - Stepping out of the box (tagline)- A young female alternative singer, transforming into a more electro inspired style

This would be an exclusive look into the life of a young woman who's recently developing into a new music genre, trying to merge her style yet prove to her fans that she's not selling out in order to stay in the media.
This would be the first interview portraying the singer in the new light and style and would show to readers how artists can blend into other genres whilst still sticking to their alternative roots. By giving a first interview this would attract the audience due having never seen before information and a chance to read something most other's haven't - being ahead of the crowd. By "stepping out of the box" it shows rebellion from the singer, and though she reflects the target audience who are generally in the rebellious stage during teenage years. They would therefore be interested in seeing how their idols are doing the same.

Main story-line idea 3:

Back on track - A band who'd previously taken time away from the music scene after a drugs scandal, now back and stronger than ever.

This would give an exclusive interview about the real story behind the rumours of a band who were involved in a drugs scandal, as well as what they spent their time away from the media doing and what message they have to bring now that they are returning.
By showing a band returning after a unprofessional situation, it shows the audience that everyone makes mistakes, even so called "celebrities", influencing the audience that mistakes can be improved on and aren't the end of the world within their lives. This also gives the impression that the magazine is real, allowing all flaws within artists to be shown and the magazine isn't "papering over the cracks" of any situation. By giving this style the audience feel as they are getting the real deal and that the magazine is worth their time buying. 

Main story-line idea 4:

Leaving the scene - Last message - A well established female rock star deciding it's time to put her music career on hold in order to work on her family life.

This would provide the last ever message given by the rock singer before leaving the music scene for a length of time in order to have children and keep them out of the media limelight. Promising that she'll return with a more mature sound in a couple years time, yet still be the rock goddess she always was.
Showing a "last-ever interview" gives an important message, showing the magazine had managed to get the best articles for their reader. Due to it being the singer's last interview for some time, readers would wish to buy the product and read this due to not hearing about her for a while after, gaining a last insight. As well as this, by showing the rock star has grown up in order to have a family yet still sticks to her rock roots, it influences the audience to feel as though they can always have a connection with music and  can read their music magazine for years to come.

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