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Waltham Cross, Hertfordshire, United Kingdom
Hiya! I'm Sophie, an A Level Media student who has high hopes for the future! Oh, and i'm a tiny bit accident prone...

Tuesday 29 March 2011

Drawn designs for contents pages

Here the contents title lies on the top right hand corner to be the main focal point whilst the list of articles and images run parallel to one another down the left hand side of the page. An editors note is given below the masthead also to add a personal touch to the magazine. The majority of this design is text so it will be very informative which is needed of a contents page, however the lack of imagery could bore the reader.

Here the contents masthead is very different from generic titles, it lays in a diagonal line across a background image which looks interesting. An editors note lays beneath to add a personal touch and below this again runs a series of images to look pleasing to the audience. Three columns of articles are given, similar to a newspaper adding a sophistication to this design that would attract the older or more mature reader. Finally a banner runs along the bottom which shows the magazine's website, self advertising and gaining as many viewers as possible.

This is my favourite sketch due to being very "busy" and having lots to look at. I decided to paste an image of the front cover onto the contents in order to show continuity and link the two together. An editors note is given to be more personal to the readers, as well as an image of the editor to show who's behind the magazine. Sufficient amount of images are used to link the articles given within the lists and a banner is given showing the magazine website (similar to sketch 2). Finally a "huge savings" banner is given on this design in order to try and save the audience money (which is a vital thing due to the target audience being either students or part time employee's who do not have a lot of money to spare).

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