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Waltham Cross, Hertfordshire, United Kingdom
Hiya! I'm Sophie, an A Level Media student who has high hopes for the future! Oh, and i'm a tiny bit accident prone...

Tuesday 29 March 2011

Second questionnaire results

After seeing the success of responses from my first questionnaire i decided to make another to find out my target audience's feelings towards some of my initial intended ideas. Due to not having as much time to receive results, the amount of votes i received was not as high as the first questionnaire and therefore i cannot take that the given figures represent all of my target audience's opinion. However this can help influence me in deciding what my final ideas should be.

1. The name "Soundcheck" proved most popular, and this was my favourite as well. Due to it's links to live music and professional sound, this will be an ideal headline for my front cover and should stand out from competitors due to being so different from anything else on the current market.

2. The storyline "Indie Electro - Out of the box" received the highest votes here, and could prove to be an interesting storyline. I would need to use bright coloured clothing within the photography of the model in order to easily portray the music genre. I already have in mind a model for this storyline, and i will need to think of effective locations to link in and look interesting for the reader.

3. The last colour scheme of "black, white, red and blue" won the vote here which made me feel as though the audience want something new that hasn't been done before (the generic colour scheme of music magazines being black, white and red). By using other colours this will make my product stand out from other competitors.

4. Jimthorpe proved to be the most popular, and i feel it's quirky appearance will be perfect for my products. With payday coming in second place, i feel as though this could be effective with use in taglines and storylines text within different articles and sections for variety.

5. Sketch 1 was my immediate favourite and this has also been a similar opinion of those who took my questionnaire. I will use this with my final product due to image being central and a main focal point of the cover whilst the text highlights different articles and "shows off" what the magazine has in store for readers.

6. Sketch 3 proved to be most popular here, and although this wasn't my initial favourite, after receiving the vote and re-evaluating each design i see that this could be the most effective of the bunch. The "savings" advertisement within this sketch will also be an important aspect due to this showing the audience that they can save money and are getting more for what they are paying. This makes them feel as though the magazine is a necessity due to it's cheap pricing (linking to maslow's hierachy of needs)

7. Finally the sketch 1 for the double page spread proved to be most popular, which was also my top choice. The large image of the model will be attractive for the reader whilst the interview will be light hearted and fun, being easy to read by the audience. The use of polaroids down the side will also add variety for the images on the page.

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