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Waltham Cross, Hertfordshire, United Kingdom
Hiya! I'm Sophie, an A Level Media student who has high hopes for the future! Oh, and i'm a tiny bit accident prone...

Tuesday 29 March 2011

Drawn designs for double page spreads

This is a clever design due to the half border on the left hand side and bottom of the spread (these will be coloured). A quote will be given in the bottom border. This can enhance the use of different colours throughout the page without being overpowering. The main image will take over the majority of the left hand side of the page and will be the main focal point due to conventionally people reading from left to right. The arrow pug in the left hand top corner will point towards the headline to draw attention to it, whilst almost looking post-it note like and adding layers to the  page. As well as an article, polaroid images will run down the right hand side to add variety of imagery and a note from the artist adds a personal touch.
In this design the masthead is in the top left hand corner (similar to the generic front page design) and could allow continuity depending on which front cover design i choose. A series of images then runs across horizontally which could show different attitudes of the model and allow the reader to see all the different sides of the artist. Images are also given in the bottom right hand corner, almost "boxing" in the article in the bottom left which is shown in three columns linking to a newspaper design and adding a sophisticated element.

Here in my final sketch, the entire left hand side is dominated by a main image. This is partly covered by a list of upcoming gigs of the band shown to self-promote and let the audience know when they can see their favourite band performing live. The article is given on the right next to another image and a quote takes up a large space in order to give the audience an inital idea of what the tone of the interview is without even reading it.

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