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Waltham Cross, Hertfordshire, United Kingdom
Hiya! I'm Sophie, an A Level Media student who has high hopes for the future! Oh, and i'm a tiny bit accident prone...

Wednesday 23 March 2011

Initial Image Ideas

Images used within a magazine are a vital factor in order to both attract the audience as well as advertise what will be included within the product. By using effective imagery, this can portray a certain message to the audience and can stand out from other competitor magazines which is what i intend to do to be successful. I've looked at existing music magazines for inspiration and placed my own twist on them when coming up with my own ideas, this should hopefully ensure they stand out from the crowd and are memorable amongst readers.

Initial Location Ideas:
- In front of a plain white/concrete background (allowing sophistication and the focus to be mainly on the artist within the image yet still being linked to the style of indie electro music)
- In the midst of a forest/garden/field (links to nature which is simplistic and innocent, similar to the route the artist is merging into. Also allows the artist to be stripped back to the bare essentials and gives the audience a true insight into what they're really like.)
- In a "recording studio" (showing the artist doing what she does best and also is a huge link to the music scene - what the magazine is essentially about)

Front Cover:
- A close up of the artists face, smiling with strong eyes into the camera in order to create eye contact and a strong connection with the audience.
- A medium shot of the artist with her hand brushing back her hair, showing confidence and allowing her personality to be displayed due to exposing more of the body.
- A long shot of the model leaning against a pillar in a fashionable and edgy stance, this allows the audience to clearly see the entire model and the props can be used within this type of shot to add an extra "wow" factor.

Contents Page:
- I could use an image of the front cover to show continuity 
- I may use an image of myself, showing the readers who the editor of the magazine is alongside a note
- I will use secondary images of other bands seeing as this is a typical convention i found when analysing existing music magazines

Double Page Spread:
- I will use a similar shot to that used on the front cover to show a link between the two
- I would like to use a variety of polaroid style images showing different expressions of the artist to show the many different layers to the model

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