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Waltham Cross, Hertfordshire, United Kingdom
Hiya! I'm Sophie, an A Level Media student who has high hopes for the future! Oh, and i'm a tiny bit accident prone...

Wednesday 23 March 2011

Initial Colour Schemes

Different colour schemes are present within all music magazines, and from my previous analysis of already existing magazines i've come to the conclusion that they generally follow the trend of black, white and red with hints of other colours to cause contrast. By taking this information into mind, i came up with the following initial colour scheme ideas for my magazine:

- This colour scheme follows the generic style of a music magazine and would therefore be instantly recognised to be of the music genre by an audience member looking at it on a shelf. The colours reflect the indie/alternative style of music, being both edgy and modern as well as sophisticated for the more mature reader. This looks similar to the colour schemes used within NME and Q and would provide to be another competitor in the music genre, however this could mean that it doesn't stand out from the others and may not seem "special enough" to be an essential which people need (linking to maslow's hierachy of needs).

- This colour scheme follows some conventions as well as adding a bright colour to brighten the page. Yellow isn't usually linked to the indie music scene however this could cause contrast and interest to the audience due to standing out from other competitors and being aesthetically pleasing to the human eye. By adding yellow this adds a "happy" ambience to the dark and edgy scene of alternative music and shows that pleasure can be found within this style of music.

- This completely goes against the generic style of a alternative colour scheme by not including the use of red or black however could cause controversy and therefore gain attention by doing so. This could also reflect that alternative music doesn't have to be "dark and edgy" 100% of the time and can break these codes in order to keep the readers interested. By giving this unusual style, it can allow readers to interpret the confusion in their own ways (linking to the audience demographics theory) and make their own mind up about how they feel that a indie magazine has decided to take this direction,

- With this idea, the first 3 colours would be the most dominant with hints of the last to add bursts of colour and highlight different items. This follows the generic style, including red, black and white which are used among successful music magazines in the media today, but adds an extra colour in order to give that edge against other competitors within the industry. This gives both a sophisticated feel alongside bursts of colour in which could appeal to both the younger and older bands of the target audience, providing an appeal to a wider audience, gaining the largest amount of buyers possible.

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