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Waltham Cross, Hertfordshire, United Kingdom
Hiya! I'm Sophie, an A Level Media student who has high hopes for the future! Oh, and i'm a tiny bit accident prone...

Saturday 19 March 2011

Initial Questionnaire

In order to create my magazine, i need to gain first-hand feedback in the form of a questionnaire, finding out more about the audience that will be buying my product. By distributing this series of questions to my target audience, i can find out more generalised ideas about them and their magazine tastes. Due to my target audience being of both sexes aged 16-24 but predominantly female, a good group of people to survey would be the sixth form students and their older brothers/sisters/cousins etc. I will place these questions alongside my blog, therefore they are easy to access and can gain maximum responses.

The questions i will include are:

1. Of which gender are you?
- Male
- Female

2. Of which age group are you?
- 15 or younger
- 16-20
- 21-25
- 26 or older

3. What is your favourite type of music?
- Indie/Alternative
- Rock
- RnB
- Electro
- Pop
- Other

4. How often would you buy a music magazine?
- Daily
- Weekly
- Monthly
- Annually
- Other

5. Do you prefer if a magazine offers a free gift?
- Yes
- No

6. How much would you intend to spend on a music magazine?
- £1.99 or less
- £2.00 - £3.99
- £4.00 - £5.99
- £6.00 or more

7. What attracts you most to a magazine?
- Colour scheme
- Fonts
- Images
- Models used
- Free gift
- Storylines

8. What other genres of magazine do you buy?
- Fashion
- Health
- Gossip
- Motoring
- Other

I also decided to advertise these questions on social networking sites in order to gain the largest response possible. Due to the majority of my friends being within my target audience bracket, these results should form an effective outcome. These included twitter, facebook and tumblr. Due to there being a word restriction limit on twitter this advert had to be shortened, however the other two are more informative and inform exactly where on the blog the poll is located. 

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