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Waltham Cross, Hertfordshire, United Kingdom
Hiya! I'm Sophie, an A Level Media student who has high hopes for the future! Oh, and i'm a tiny bit accident prone...

Monday 25 April 2011

Playing with lighting

Before i begin to manipulate and edit my chosen photos when creating my final products i want to practice changing the lighting styles of some images and see how the effect they give to a reader can be completely transformed with slight editing of colour/tint/saturation/contrast/darkening and lighting areas.

Here i changed the image to black and white and increased the sharpness to create features such as the graffiti on the back wall and the rims of the glasses to be clearer and crisp. This effect has added a more vintage feel to the image and creates to focus to be mainly on the model rather than being overshadowed by the bright greens of the grass and bushes behind.


With this image i filled the photo with light entirely and then added even more highlights to create the metal bars to stand out and create the models skin to glow. This looks as though the model is dying to break out from something (which could link to being a rebel in the music industry). The brighter whites of the bars and skin contrast against the bright green grass and create a bolder statement to readers.

 Here i drained the saturation levels from the image and increased the darkness of shadows which has created a more edgy image that looks music inspired rather than just a photo taken in the forest. By draining the colours this time it has created the focus to be on the photo as a whole rather than immediately at the models clothes which could have been distracting. Also, the more neutral blues compliment the light greens of the forest.

With this i simply added a blue tint to the whole image and darkened shadows in the background and the models hair to create her facial features to stand out more. By adding the tint, the photo shows more fluidity, with colours from the background and foreground blending together smoothly. The models eyes also stand out more with the added darkness which allows a connection with the reader to be more predominant.

For this image i simply warmed the tones of the photo to create more flattering skin tones and a warmer background. I think this was especially effective after being so simple due to making the model stand out from the surroundings subtly due to the colour of her jumper contrasting more with the concrete after editing.

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