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Waltham Cross, Hertfordshire, United Kingdom
Hiya! I'm Sophie, an A Level Media student who has high hopes for the future! Oh, and i'm a tiny bit accident prone...

Monday 25 April 2011

Analysing secondary photos

As well as the images i took on my "main photoshoots", i also took a variety of other shots which will be used as secondary images. These will add variety to my products, and provide imagery for other articles mentioned rather than all about the main storyline.

Here is an image i will use to accompany the article of the latest "indie duo" who have been taking snapshots in the magazine's own photobooth.
This photo allows the artists to shown enjoying themselves without being direction, letting the readers see the real them. The black and white style of the images adds a more "vintage" feel which often goes alongside the indie music scene, taking inspiration from the past.
The simplicity of the plain background also allows the entire focus to be on the members themselves and letting their personalities really shine through to the audience.

Here is a simple photo i will use to accompany the editors note. The blue shirt and red hair of the model fit the colour scheme perfectly and allow continuity. The shot is a simple medium close-up which is all that is needed for an editors photograph. The model looks fashionable and will therefore give readers a confidence in that they will enjoy what they are reading due to editor being up to date with fashions and fun-looking. When i use this image i will crop out the sides of the model which include various items behind her in order to make it look more professional.

The three following photos are taken live at concerts, and due to their lack of looking professional i will use these to accompany the article on how readers have reviewed gigs. This allows the edgy looking photos to belong to one of the readers who then would feel as though they are making a huge difference to the magazine.
The way in which live music is being shown links back to the masthead of the front cover (having a soundcheck before every live performance) and shows the music being stripped down to the basics. The variety of both raw talent being shown through live gigs and professional shoots allow all the different sides of the music industry to be portrayed through the magazine and gives the audience a real insight into what the editors and artists get to experience themselves.

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