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Waltham Cross, Hertfordshire, United Kingdom
Hiya! I'm Sophie, an A Level Media student who has high hopes for the future! Oh, and i'm a tiny bit accident prone...

Sunday 3 October 2010

Analysing final school magazine edits

Here is my finished front cover in comparison to my ideal design sketch idea.

Here i've used similar text to my original design, giving a slanted typical "old school" feel to the magazine, keeping in tune with generic conventions of a cover, in contrast to the text below (the main story feature) in a "text-message" style font. This was used to appeal to the younger teenage audience (my target audience) who use texts frequently every day.
I had to change the positioning of my text originally placed along the bottom in my sketch due to feeling the image looked more effective in the new position. I took this image of my friend and then used the lasso tool on photoshop to cut my chosen image out from the background it was placed on. From doing this i've learnt that when taking future photos i must make sure there is no shadow from the person and that the background contrasts with the front image to create the easiest use of the lasso tool.
The final change to my cover was the placement of the triangle and price. These were changed to fit with the photo more effectively. I included these features to give a visual representation of the "love triangle" story as well as let readers know in a bold way how cheap the magazine will be for them to buy, appealing to my target audience of students who wouldn't be able to spend much money on a school magazine.
Overall, i'm pleased with how my front cover has turned out due to it following the generic conventions of a title at the top and main medium shot of a figure and a price. Although generally magazine covers include more than one image on the cover, i decided to focus on one storyline full of gossip to grab the main attention of readers. This technique also causes less confusion for my target audience and provides a simple yet effective design. If i could change anything i'd use a different coloured background simply to create the page to be more pleasing to the eye and readers.

Here is my finished contents page in contrast to the original sketch idea.

I managed to create an almost identical contents page to my initial sketch which pleased me due to feeling this would appeal to my target audience the most. With it's generic conventions of a header title, list of pages and images running alongside, i decided to add a banner along the bottom similar to those found on websites giving advertisements to break this mould. This allowed my readers to feel comfortable with a layout they are used to and frequently see.
The title font and triangle image placed next to it link subtly to my front cover design, immediately giving the magazine a constant layout and a substance. As well as these, the photos i chose alongside stories gave a wide variety of things to read in my magazine including pupil dramas, teachers attitudes and sixth form achievements. This gives the biggest opportunity to gain readers due to having different articles which would be suited to individual students. I could improve the quality of my photos by using a higher quality camera, this would then give my images a more crisp finish and look more professional for my product.
Overall i like this contents page due to it's simplicity with a modern twist adding a banner along the bottom. My design follows the rules of a generic contents page and gives the information needed to the target audience. Again, if i could change any aspect it would be to give the background of the page a more exciting colour, linking with the front cover's colour scheme in order to give a more exciting ambience to my magazine and appeal to my target audience of students who enjoy brightly coloured items that catch their eye.

Sunday 19 September 2010

Contents Page Task

As well as creating potential front pages, I also had to design 3 possible contents pages as part of the task. These pages had to also attract the target audience throughout the layout and images used.
Here is my 1st contents page with a banner running along the left hand side hosting the title of the page. This links in with one of my original front cover ideas as well as "breaking the mould" of the typical magazine contents page genre. This gives a fun ambience straight away and creates the magazine to be seen as new and up to date. Images are at both the top and bottom of the page, showing storyline's described in the page title summaries index, which is placed between the two in a simple list format to add a piece of normality and convention to the page.
Here is my 2nd contents page which hosts a banner running along diagonally along the top left corner. This creates interest immediately by looking at the page due to the offset text, giving an unusual shape. There is an image filling the rest of the top half of the page as well as layered "polaroid" shots along the bottom. The polaroids images idea gives a more "school-like" approach (which also links to the fact it's a school magazine), showing the images to be fun and spontanious.There is also the index of page summaries laid in the lower center of the page, closing the gap between images.
    Here is my 3rd contents page with a title running along the top, being a typical aspect of the magazine contents page genre. This keeps it simple and familiar to what students will already know and understand. This is next to an image of a triangle (linked to the first chosen front page). 3 images run down the left side column of the page parallel to the index of page title summaries, so as when reading from left to right, readers will see the image before reading on to understand the story behind it. The main storyline is the first summary as this is the most important part of the magazine. There is also a banner running along the bottom of the page to give any extra notes.   

  • Overall i think the 3rd contents page design would be the most effective in my magazine due to having a simple layout with slight added features that make a big difference such as the triangle image next to the contents title which links to my chosen front page design which hosts a triangle image in the corner. Another feature is the banner along the bottom of the page which gives an added aspect to add interest. This also links to advertising banners which are frequently used on social networking sites which my target audience regularly go on, therefore this aspect will be second nature to the audience of my magazine. I've been able to give the information clearly as well as give "younger generation" aspects, such as the images and banners which should attract my target audience to wish to be a part of my product.                                                   

Thursday 16 September 2010

Front page sketches task

In preparation for creating a school magazine, I have created 3 sketches of ideas for the front cover of my product. When thinking of titles and story lines for my magazine, i had to keep in mind the target audience, being fellow students. This made me realise I would need to use bold fonts, strong images and rhyming or adapted language to entice teenagers to want to read my product.

Here is my first cover idea.
My title here uses alliteration to immediately grab a readers attention as well as naming the magazine to be full of gossip, a teenagers favourite pastime! Alongside these "in your face" ideas, an underlying message is given due to the title being similar to the popular television show "GossipGirl". By using this play on words, the students (my target audience) can subconsciously think that this will be something they enjoy due to already being a fan of something linked with it.
My choice of storyline for this cover was to link together with the title of "gossip" as well as give a rhetorical question for the readers to feel the need to answer by looking further into detail at the article. Also by giving a relationship scandal, it's a typical thing to happen at school and is always the height of conversation between students, so by using this in a magazine, hopefully this would get my target audience excited and talking about my product with enthusiasm.

Here is my second cover idea.
For this title i took a newer approach, using "text-talk" to give the name G4U (Goffs For You). This is very appropriate to my target audience due to using a "language" in which is very popular with teenagers of the present. Due to students constantly using text-talk to speak with their friends, this would give me the impression that if they saw this on a magazine they would be attracted to it seeing as it's in "teenage language". This also creates the feeling that the magazine was specifically made for the younger generation and gives them a sense of feeling special and it is much more personal.
The storyline of this cover is to make the students feel proud of their achievements and be acknowledged for all their hard work. With the use of alliteration this also gives a memorable piece of text. By using a smiling student, obviously proud of their results on the cover, this also shows the pupils of goffs take pride in themselves and gives a positive attitude to follow by other teenagers.

Here is my third cover idea.
This name was chosen due to wanting to give a name that would be easily remembered. By using alliteration and school name, this creates a memorable title. As well as the obvious link with "glossed over" to the fact that this is a magazine product, involving glossy paged spreads, there is also the underlying message that parts of gossip of the school are "glossed over", the truth being hidden and suggests that this magazine will reveal them. This should spark interest with my target audience due to "secret gossip" always being a popular conversation. Lastly, the use of the word "over" above an arrow suggests the readers should turn over to continue to read on.
My choice of storyline here was to immediately get the younger students of the school involved with something and feel properly initiated into a new "school family".  Beside this, this is a topic the older students can be familiar with due to going through the process of being new to the school themselves. This should then attract them to read this due to them wanting to read how others are reacting to a situation they've been in.

Tuesday 31 August 2010

My Favourite Artists

I listen to all kinds of music, from crazy electro/pop-punk to indie to whatever's roaming about the charts. Narrowing it down to my favourite 3 is quite a task, so here are 3 very different bands who seem to take over my itunes with unhealthy amounts of plays.

1. Cash Cash
This band consist of 4 boys from New Jersey, America, who play synthpop and powerpop style music. I saw these guys live as a support act last year and despite never hearing of them before, by the end of their set I was taken back by the enthusiasm and natural talent of the group. Their music is easy listening and just perks you up wherever you are. As well as their bright, bold music, the boys' fashion sense runs alongside their genre perfectly. Frequently wearing fluroscent/rave gear while performing, it only adds to the overall atmosphere buzzing off the walls of the venue.

2. Vampire Weekend
An indie-rock band from New York who's modern take on an old style makes very interesting listening. Their music has been more succesful in the English music scene, gaining number 1 spots in the UK Indie Chart with "A-Punk" and "Cape Cod Kwassa Kwassa". My favourite song by the band would be the popular "Cousins" due to the upbeat rhythm and addictive hook lyrics throughout the chorus. Overall a very impressive band with an attention to detail with their songs, using creative bass lines and synth rhythms.

3. The Script
The most beautiful sounding Irish group to roam the planet. The soft essence to this groups' music sets the tone of calm and collective hearing, with their most famous song to date, "The Man Who Can't Moved" reaching number 2 in the UK, Irish and Denmark Charts. The lyrics of this bands work are the most impressive, providing real stories and emotions behind each tale they tell rather than random jumble about sex/killing and "tying someone to a bed before setting the house on fire" which is expressed in the more popular music of today for some bizarre reason.


Hello! My name's Sophie Dawn Stainton and i'm a 16 year old girl from the rough old town of Waltham Cross aha.
I'm a typical girl, wearing pink, playing a lot of netball and dancing, but on the contrast i have bright red hair and there's nothing more i love than a night playing xbox. I work hard and best under stress or a time schedule, hence the very busy life but i'm terrible in the mornings, literally needing to be pulled out of bed.
For my A Level options i've given myself two paths to head down, P.E and Biology alongside Media and English Literature. Hopefully by the end of this year i'll have a more distinctive idea of what I wish to do some day.

I chose to take A Level Media due to enjoying it thoroughly throughout GCSE and managing to nab an A* at the end of it! I enjoy being able to look deeper into the media than what is seen at a first glance and interpreting the hidden messages being thrown at me constantly. I'm a perfectionist and can't bear to have work unfinished so hopefully that'll keep me going through the next year to ace my media course!