About Me

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Waltham Cross, Hertfordshire, United Kingdom
Hiya! I'm Sophie, an A Level Media student who has high hopes for the future! Oh, and i'm a tiny bit accident prone...

Sunday 8 May 2011

Coursework Evaluation


Tuesday 3 May 2011

Final Products

Front Cover:

Contents Page:

 Double Page Spread:

Double Page Spread Construction

Step 1:
Firstly i opened up the original picture image that i felt would be ideal for my double page spread due to the smile on the models face, expressing happiness and confidence within herself as well as a large space on the right available for text and other images. The clothes the model is wearing suits her music genre (electro) perfectly, being eyecatching and colourful. The concrete background reflects the underground scene of which her music belongs to and the natural state in which she is showing herself for this interview.

Step 2:
In changing the lighting of the image i decided to firstly darken lots of the shadows and deeper colours within the image, including the conrete, the models hair, the gold jacket and blue jeans. This allowed the image to look more professional and stand out. After this i decided to use the lens flare tool which gave an effect on the entire image, creating a beam of light within the top left hand corner whilst photography smudges appear near the bottom right. This looks as though the image was a polaroid which has been developed and manipulated in a dark room, showing the readers that a lot of time and effort has been put into the article for their enjoyment. The lighting could also be drawn similarly to the way in which live gigs would be lit so the audience could see the bands clearly.

 Step 3:
Next i decided to continue the theme of translucent shapes and keeping with the colour theme made two red banners which look as though they "frame" the entire spread. This looks effective and clever, adding a box-like style to the page which links in with the title "stepping out of the box". I also added a blue target banner in order to stand out which will be covered with the word exclusive to stand out. The arrow like end will also point towards the headline, drawing more attention to it. In order the balance the use of colours i then decided to use a simple white box background for the main interview text as this allows the main focus to be on the actual interview rather than the background behind it.I also embossed all of these shapes in order to give them a 3d effect and make them stand out from the background.

Step 4:
I next wanted to add more images so that there was a variety on the page and i thought here would be relevant for the series of polaroid images i had previously planned. I created these images with a programme called "poladroid" in which you select an image (i used those from the overgrown forest shoot) and the software adds a polaroid style border instantly. After saving these i then "placed" these into my double page spread design and arranged them down the right hand side in an assortment. This allows many sides of the model to be shown and looks quirky with a vintage twist (linking to vintage inspiration behind indie music). I also added a text note from the artist to give a little personal message from the performer to the audience. This was using the text tool over a translucent shape.

Step 5: Final Stage
Finally i added text, including titles, the interview and banners along the side and bottom of the spread. I continued with the use of "Jimthorpe" for the title and used the outline across the models hairline in order for the image to still be visible. The use of a quote along the bottom allows the readers to have a quick snippet of the actual interview and with the rebellious statement it should influence them to read the entire article.